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Miniaturka MTV
Worlds Most Expensive Food
Bubble Food, the UK’s most innovative food design and events management company, marks its most successful year to date with a starring role on Channel 4’s…
okejki 2 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Zycie jest za krotkie zeby czekac...
Students Surprise a Homeless Guy ....Just Magical (323x oglądano na YT)
okejki 3 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Rady gwiazd porno dla panów. jak jeść ostrygi czy cos tam...
Dana - Skin Diamond - Penny Pax - Anikka Albrite -
okejki 2 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Wywiad z Polakiem walczącym w szeregach Państwa Islamskiego
Młodym chłopakiem z Warszawy, który opowiada na pytania dziennikarza Telewizji Trwam. Reportaż nosi tytuł "Zginiecie jak wszyscy niewierni".
okejki 157 · 74 592x · komentarze 237 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Brick Lane ASBO 08/09/2015
Juz wkrotce w Polsce
8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
"When it comes to stocking up on material for nightmares, it's hard to beat this photo of what appears to be a monstrous sea lamprey. Reddit user jlitch uploaded the picture in mid-February with the deceptively innocent tagline, "Friend... caught this fishing in NJ."* An enormous, toothy sea lamprey was found and killed by a man in New Jersey, who then posted the picture on R(…)
okejki 1 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
London 24 on Vimeo
NATS handles over 2 million flights in UK airspace every year. Of those, over 1.2 million arrive at or depart from one of the five main London airports. That's over…
8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
ile zajmie pokonanie 80mil jesli jedziesz 80 mil na godzine
How long would it take you 80 miles?.....'8 minutes' Travelling at 80 MPH how long would it take you do do 80 miles?........'8 minutes' How long would it take to drive 80 miles at 80 miles an hour? Watch as mother-of-two is stumped by this one simple question Lauren Macklin asked how long it would take to drive 80 miles at 80pmh Fiancé Dave Mapp filmed her offering answers of e(…)
okejki 5 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Engawa - Master Class; Kobe Beef on Vimeo
Chef Akira Shimizu from Engawa restaurant prepares a Kobe beef dish.
okejki 10 · 8 lat temu